Welcome to Chemex, we are in this Industry since 1986. We cater best quality products which are sourced from globally acclaimed manufacturers. We are Prominent Importers, Distributors / Suppliers of Industrial Raw Materials in India. Our high quality and pure chemical cater to the growth of industrial sectors which are the top drivers of growth in the economy of India. At Chemex, we are constantly transforming and innovating our existing commodities and methods to provide our clientele with the highest quality of products at competitive pricing levels. We have also developed necessary infrastructural facilities to fulfil the ever growing demands of the industry. We are a Customer Centric Organisation and we have Developed Full fledged Logistic facilities at Bhiwandi, Maharashtra, India, which is barely 30 kms from Mumbai which is a Corporate Hub of India. This makes it easier for us to Store and Safely Handle the intact products. Hence, it becomes very easy for us to serve Bulk & Urgent orders from our Elite Customers. We Import products from Countries like Japan, Korea, China, Australia & Egypt. Feel free to contact us for promoting your products to India as well as Exporting from India.

Importers & Suppliers of Chemicals in India

Top Products

Growth Dimensions for Chemex Chemicals

Large Product Portfolio

We deal with a wide range of products serving to multiple industry segments.

Point-to-Point coverage of supply chain

We can help you source thousands of products using our huge global sourcing network.

Global Existance

We are expanding & we are working to have our presence felt across the globe.

Best-in-class infrastructure

We have laid a firm footprint in the distribution / supply industry by building a robust infrastructure.

Focus on Sustainability

For us safety, security & protection of environment & people are our crucial goals.

Huge Customer & Supplier Network

We have over large number of customers & several partners with whom we seamlessly do business.
Our Global Alliances
We are Members of
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